A Lake-Lehman logo is combined with a mask-wearing reminder on this poster seen in this September photo.
Times Leader file photo
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LEHMAN TWP. — Lake-Lehman School District reported two more cases of COVID-19 Thursday, one student from Ross Elementary and another from the Junior/Senior High School. The text alert sent to parents notes, as in previous cases, that the district is following state guidelines and assisting with contact tracing, adding “we will advise if further action is needed.”
The district also announced an early dismissal Friday for Parent Teacher conferences. The high school will dismiss at 12:15 p.m. and the elementary schools will dismiss at 1 p.m.
The district had sent out a text Wednesday announcing a student from Lake-Noxen elementary had tested positive, but noted the student “attends one of the virtual platforms.” The district has been offering three options for students: Full in-person learning at the schools, live online learning at home via the internet, or asynchronous learning through the district’s cyber charter program.
On Tuesday the district reported a high school student tested positive, and on Monday a text said two staff members at Lehman-Jackson tested positive.
After Luzerne County began to see a big surge in new cases in recent weeks, the state switched the county from moderate risk to substantial. The state recommends school districts switch to full-remote learning in such a situation, but leaves the decision to the individual districts.
At Monday’s School Board meeting, responding to a question about the district’s plans Superintendent James McGovern said the district will continue in the current mode “and will not change unless we are mandated by the governor.”
Reach Mark Guydish at 570-991-6112 or on Twitter @TLMarkGuydish