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HAZLETON – Voters have reelected city mayor Jeff Cusat for a third term, according to Tuesday’s unofficial election results.

The Republican incumbent ran against Democrat Vianney Castro and Independent Cindee Deluca.

With 171 precincts reporting (72.73%) at press time, Cusat tallied 1,419 votes, Castro tallied 594 and Deluca tallied 256.

There were 408 write-in votes.

Cusat was first voted into office in 2015 and was reelected to a second term in 2019.

At the time of his announcement seeking reelection back in March, Cusat noted several projects he intends to continue working on over the course of his next term, including the North Side Public Safety Center, stormwater pipe separation, completion of the recreation revitalization, a spring concert series and summer recreation programs.

With two council seats up for grabs, unofficial election results indictate that Tommy Bruno and John Nilles, both Republicans, will take those seats.

Bruno tallied 1356 votes and Nilles tallied 1,173 votes. Democrat Nicarol Soto tallied 907 votes, Democrat Carlos Monclus tallied 713 votes, and Scott Cahalane, who ran without a party affiliation, tallied 354 votes.

All results remain unofficial until they are certified by the county Board of Elections.