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In your recent article about Crestwood School District’s financial struggles, Superintendent Joseph Gorham could not have been more accurate when he identified the solution: “We need more funding from state government.”
Crestwood is one of many school districts in Luzerne County and across the state that faces difficult decisions each year such as raising property taxes, cutting back on programs for students or increasing class sizes. The common cause is a state legislature that refuses to pay its fair share for our children’s education while adding more mandates on public schools. The state ranks 47th in the country in state share for public schools.
If the state’s school funding formula was fully funded, Crestwood would be receiving $2.9 million more each year. Others in the area would receive similar boosts. It’s time the state stepped up and did its part for our children and our state’s future.
Susan Spicka
Executive director
Education Voters of PA